After Exposure of an Impacted Tooth

Exposure of an impacted tooth can usually be performed while you are conscious with mild sedation and local anesthesia. However, if you are receiving IV sedation or general anesthesia, follow the pre-surgical instructions your surgical team at Stafford Oral Surgery & Specialists will provide. It is important for your safety and for the quickest recovery that you follow all surgical instructions carefully.

When your surgery to expose your impacted tooth is complete, you may experience some bleeding. It is normal to experience some blood in your saliva. However, if the wound is bleeding, bite down on the gauze for 30 minutes to stop the bleeding. Another option if the gauze does not work is to bite down on a moist tea bag at the surgical site for an additional 30 minutes to help the blood clot form.

Home Care Instructions

Once you are home from your oral surgery, it is important to relax, rest and replenish fluids. Do not attempt any exercise or strenuous activity during the next 24 hours or until you feel ready. Too much movement can cause excessive bleeding, and your body needs time to recover from the surgery. Some tips for your home care include:

  • Manage pain- As soon as your anesthesia begins to wear off, start taking medications for pain. You can use acetaminophen or ibuprofen, two pills every three to four hours for discomfort. You may also be prescribed pain medication for severe pain.
  • Swelling- Some swelling is expected over the next few days, but you can reduce swelling and discomfort by using an ice pack during the first 36 hours on the surgical site.
  • Do not disturb the surgical site- Leave any packing in place and do not disturb the surgical site. Resist pulling your lips down to look at it or touching it with tongue or fingers.
  • Keep your mouth clean- You can brush your teeth, gently near the surgical site the night you come home. For the next few days, use a salt water rinse 4-6 times a day to keep your mouth clean.

Our surgical team will go over these and other instructions for your post-surgery care. Please contact Stafford Oral Surgery & Specialists with any questions or concerns.